South Indian Curd Rice Recipe

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Frequently Asked Questions

How do you make fried curd rice?

Preparation Add rice to a bowl and rinse it well a few times. When the pressure releases, remove the rice & mash it lightly. If using milk, add it as well and stir. Cool it completely. Add curd to cooled rice. Add coriander leaves, grated carrots and cucumbers to the curd rice.

What can i use instead of curd rice in a recipe?

Almond yogurt, coconut milk yogurt or cashew yogurt can be used instead of dairy curd. You can also add raw mango pieces. Curd rice can be just had plain or can be served after a South Indian meal. 1.

What is curd rice made of?

Curd rice is a dish where soft cooked mushy rice is simply mixed with curd (Indian yogurt) and salt & then finished off with a tempering consisting of basic spices & herbs to make it mildly flavorful. Most South Indian homes make this with fresh cooked rice & homemade curd or yogurt. However it can also be made with store bought yogurt.

Can i add cold curd to hot rice?

Do not add cold yogurt to hot rice as the curd may coagulate. According to Ayurveda adding cold curd to hot rice causes vata dosha & can lead to imbalances in the body. So ensure the rice is fully cooled before mixing with curd.

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