Blackstone Tilapia Recipe

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Frequently Asked Questions

How do you season tilapia on a keto diet?

We are going to season both sides of our fish with the standard salt and pepper. Adding a bit of garlic powder and Parmesan cheese will give it that crunchy factor, while keeping this keto friendly. How do I fry tilapia in a pan without it sticking?

How to cook tilapia filets?

Spray a cookie sheet or baking dish and lay your tilapia filets in. Use a paper towel to dab the extra moisture or water off the filets. This way the mixture will cling to the fish better. Mix the rest of the ingredients in a small bowl and then spread on each filet. Bake for 15-20 minutes or until flaky.

How long does it take to cook blackened tilapia?

If you love seafood, try this delicious Blackened Tilapia recipe. It’s a simple meal that takes less than 30 minutes. You can enjoy it with your significant other, best friend, or anyone else who enjoys seafood just as much as you do. 1.

What to serve with blackened tilapia?

You can serve your fresh Blackened Tilapia with lots of flavorful sides. It’ll taste great with a side of roasted seasoned broccoli, white rice, or even cauliflower rice. You can also serve it with other vegetables that you enjoy, such as corn on the cob and baby carrots. How many servings does this recipe make?

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