Alfajores Peruvian Recipe

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How do you make peruvian alfajores?

We’ll show you how to create your own Peruvian alfajores filled with the popular manjar blanco filling. Here’s a rundown on the key ingredients you’ll need. A cup of manjar blanco. Half a teaspoon of vanilla extract. A tablespoon of brandy. Two egg yolks. One-third cup of granulated sugar. Eight tablespoons of softened unsalted butter.

What are the different types of alfajores in south america?

You’ll come across different types of alfajores in South America depending on what part of the continent you’re in. A major difference between the Peruvian alfajor and those in other areas of the continent is that the Peruvian alfajor filling is commonly called manjar blanco, rather than dulce de leche.

What are the ingredients in manjar blanco?

Ingredients 1 1 cup self-rising flour Doesn't require extra baking powder 2 1 cup cornstarch 3 1 cup unsalted butter 4 ¾ cup sugar 5 2 egg yolks 6 6 tablespoons powdered sugar 7 6 ounces manjar blanco store-bought. Often sold as dulce de leche 8 1/2 teaspoon fresh aniseed 9 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract (optional) More ...

What is the difference between peruvian alfajor and dulce de leche?

A major difference between the Peruvian alfajor and those in other areas of the continent is that the Peruvian alfajor filling is commonly called manjar blanco, rather than dulce de leche. Why? Because “manjar blanco” is typically used on the west side of the Andes, whereas “dulce de leche” is used on the east side.

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