Huel Shake Recipe

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Frequently Asked Questions

Is huel powder low carb?

However, most people feel that a level of around 20% of total energy coming from carbs is considered ‘low carb’. Huel Powder v3.0 provides 40% of total energy from carbohydrates and Huel Black Edition provides 20%. The following are two low carb ‘hack’ recipe options for Huel Powders.

How do you make a huel shake?

80g of Vanilla Huel (or 2 and skip the protein powder). 30g of vanilla protein powder (optional). 1 banana. 1 tablespoon of peanut butter. 1 tsp chocolate flavouring (Huel flavour boost or other). Blend everything in a blender (not needed if you skip the ice). If you don’t have a blender, smash a ripped banana with a fork.

What is the nutritional value of a huel meal?

Huel powder is high in protein with 30% of the energy coming from pea and rice protein blend. The meal is quite rich in fats, contains large quantities of omega-3, and is generally low in saturated fats . It also contains MCTs as fast energy sources.

Are huel shakes good for weight loss?

Very filling shake, useful for weight loss. Another thing that I like is that Huel shakes are very satiating. The thicker texture, fibre and protein help you with this. Taste is not mind-blowing but it’s easy to get used to. I often compare Huel to porridge.

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