Homemade Room Spray Recipes

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How to make a room freshener spray?

Basic DIY Room Freshener Spray Recipe- 1 oz spray bottle (You could use 2 oz, just do less oils) 2 drops essential oil (aprox) 3 tablespoon witch hazel 4 top the rest of your bottle with distilled water 5 shake every time before using

How do you make an essential oil room spray?

An easy-to-make essential oil room spray made from three simple ingredients to keep your home smelling fresh. Pour the alcohol into a small spray bottle. Add the desired drops of essential oils. Let the oils sit for 5 minutes or so, and then shake well and add the water.

What are the ingredients in a diy room spray?

A DIY room spray needs a few common ingredients to work. The base of the room spray is water, and many recipes use distillation to purify the water. Essential oils are added for scent, and then an emulsifier is added to make sure the water and oils mix. This can be alcohol, witch hazel, sea salt, or another emulsifier.

How much vodka do you put in room spray?

If you want to scale the recipe down to use less of your essential oils, then use a 4 ounce spray bottle and just one tablespoon of vodka. Before each use, you will need to shake the bottle of room spray a bit before you spritz so that the essential oil is evenly distributed in the liquid.

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