German Wheat Beer Recipe

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Frequently Asked Questions

How to brew german wheat beer?

These are the Hefeweizen ingredients we will be using to brew the german wheat beer: The first step in brewing any beer is preparing the malt. This means, mixing malt with water and boiling the mixture. This initial step, if done right, helps extract the right flavors from wheat grains.

What is the best german wheat strain for beer?

WYeast 3068 Weihenstephan Weizen – most popular German wheat strain. You can manipulate the ester and phenols in this beer with temperature and pitching rates 73-77% attenuation 64 ° F – 75°F (17°C – 24°C) range WYeast 3333 German Wheat – Delicate balance of banana esters and clove phenols.

Can you make a red wheat beer with white wheat?

Although the name indicates a reddish/copper color, red wheat does not produce an amber colored beer. Your other option would be to use White Wheat. This beer is mostly about the wheat yeast. Allow these two beer ingredients to shine, while keeping hop bitterness and flavor low.

What do you drink berliner kindl weisse with?

Slowly add 16 oz cold Berliner Kindl Weisse or other light German-style wheat beer. “Berlin's traditional wheat beer is drunk with a schuss, or shot, of either green waldmeister syrup ( or red-raspberry syrup in it.

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