Fresh Jackfruit Recipes

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Frequently Asked Questions

Is jackfruit good for vegetarians?

When cooked, unripe jackfruit takes on a meaty texture and acts as a flavor sponge, making it the perfect meat replacement for vegetarians. Get your slow cooker out for this addition to our roundup of jackfruit recipes! Lindsay Grimes Freedman of The Toasted Pine Nut makes jackfruit the star of the show in this nourishing stew.

What is canned jackfruit?

Unlike fresh jackfruit, canned Jackfruit is processed when it is unripe and still green- so even though it is a fruit, it has very little sweetness. It has a very mild flavor, with a subtle tanginess – perfect for soaking up all the flavors it is cooked with. A great candidate for this recipe! What can you do with Jackfruit?

What to serve with fresh jackfruit?

For a lighter dessert option, try this cool and creamy jackfruit mousse. Sweetened with whipped cream and thickened with gelatin, this dessert is a wonderful way to serve fresh jackfruit. Don’t be intimidated by the word mousse! This recipe couldn’t be simpler. Impress yourself with your culinary skills when you create a batch of jackfruit mousse.

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