Every Potion Recipe Minecraft

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Frequently Asked Questions

How do you make every potion in minecraft?

How to make every Minecraft potion. 1 Speed - sugar. 2 Jump Boost - rabbit’s foot. 3 Instant Health - glistering melon slice. 4 Poison - spider eye. 5 Water Breathing - Pufferfish. 6 Fire Resistance - magma cream. 7 Night vision - golden carrot. 8 Strength - blaze powder. 9 Regeneration - ghast tear. 10 Slowness / Resistance - turtle shell.

What are the best secondary potion recipes in minecraft?

Here is a list of all positive secondary potion recipes in Minecraft: Awkward Potion + Glistering Melon = Potion of Healing (Instantly restores 3 hearts) Awkward Potion + Magma Cream = Potion of Fire Resistance (Grants the player immunity to fire and lava damage for three minutes)

What are the negative potion recipes in minecraft?

All Negative Potion Recipes in Minecraft Awkward Potion + Spider Eye = Potion of Poison (Poisong the player for forty five seconds, reducing his health to a maximum of 1/2 heart) Thick Potion + Fermented Spider Eyes = Potion of Weakness (Damage dealt is halved for a minute and a half)

How do you get uncraftable potion in java edition?

In Java Edition, the Uncraftable Potion is a potion with no effect that is unobtainable in regular gameplay. It is also available in splash potion and lingering potion forms, as well as for tipped arrows. It can be obtained using the following command: / give @s minecraft:potion {Potion:"minecraft:empty"}.

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