Aronia Berry Recipes

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Frequently Asked Questions

How do you use aronia berries in smoothies?

Because aronia berries are more tart than other similar berries, you may have to add more sugar to a recipe. To incorporate aronia berries into a smoothie, combine 1/2 cup of frozen or juiced aronia berries (or 1/4 cup dried aronia berries) with half a banana to balance out the tartness.

Can i use aronia berries in rhubarb sauce?

♦ Aronia berries can add flavor and nutrition to your rhubarb sauce. Since they’re ready at such different times of the season, you’ll need to use frozen rhubarb or frozen berries (or both). You can add a handful of berries to this simple rhubarb sauce recipe. Or try making this rhubarb aronia refrigerator jam recipe from American Aronia Berry.

What are the best aronia recipe categories?

The most popular aronia recipe category is the aronia smoothies recipes including: Aroniaberry/Orange Juice Smoothie, Aronia Coconut Smoothie, Aronia Fruit Smoothie, and Aronia Pom Smoothie. For super savings, buy 6 packs of our Aronia Berry products.

Can i substitute aronia berries for chokeberries?

You could try subbing aronia berries in your favorite blueberry or juneberry recipe, but note that chokeberries typically have a much drier texture and far less natural sweetness. Check out some possibilities you can adapt in this collection of serviceberry recipes.

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