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How do i renew or subscribe to allrecipes magazine?

Please follow the “Subscribe/Renew” above to subscribe or renew your current subscription with no automatic renewals. To buy a new subscription or renew your current subscription to Allrecipes magazine, please follow the 'Subscribe/Renew' link above.

How much does allrecipes cost?

Allrecipes is about $18.00 for a 1yr subscription. Please follow the “Subscribe/Renew” above to subscribe or renew your current subscription. How can I subscribe to Allrecipes To buy a new subscription or renew your current subscription to Allrecipes magazine, please follow the'Subscribe/Renew' link above.

How do i contact allrecipes by phone?

You can call Allrecipes using the customer service number above next to Allrecipes magazine cover for the 1-800 number. Most calls will be answered Monday through Friday between 8am and 5pm EST.

How do i change my address for allrecipes magazine?

You can now change your address for Allrecipes magazine directly at the publisher web-site. Please follow the Address Change link for publisher customer service form above. How do I contact Allrecipes by phone? You can call Allrecipes using the customer service number above next to Allrecipes magazine cover for the 1-800 number.

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