The Best Tabouleh Recipe Ever

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Frequently Asked Questions

Is tabbouleh low carb?

Traditional tabbouleh is made from bulgur, a wheat product, as such it is neither low-carb, nor gluten-free. Some non-traditional tabboulehs are made with couscous, which is also not gluten-free, or low carb. There are many substitutions possible, and just as many recipes possible.

How do you make tabouleh crispy?

Wrap it in paper towels and place it in the fridge. This will make the tabouleh EXTRA crisp! If you don't have time to rinse the night before, be sure to get the parsley as dry as possible. In a small bowl, combine olive oil (1/3 cup), lemon juice (2/3 cup), salt (1 teaspoon) and pepper (1 teaspoon).

How to make the best tabbouleh salad?

With a big spoon mix all of the ingredients together to have the best ever Low Carb Tabbouleh salad. Add dash of salt and pepper and taste. If you still find it not sour enough, just add more lemon.

What can i substitute for tabbouleh?

Some non-traditional tabboulehs are made with couscous, which is also not gluten-free, or low carb. There are many substitutions possible, and just as many recipes possible. Some people use riced cauliflower, some use quinoa.

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