Recipe Using Dried Apricots

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Frequently Asked Questions

What to do with dried apricots?

Dried fruit is a pantry staple, especially handy during winter months. Our top recipes with dried apricots are perfect for baking (think dried apricot muffins and cookies) and canning (dried apricot jam and more). Mix up your weeknight menu with a flavorful braised chicken dish with Middle Eastern flair. I love to serve it with couscous.

How many carbs in a dried apricot?

Dried: A 100 gram serving of dried apricot halves contains a staggering 83 grams of carbs. How Many Calories are in Apricots? Fresh : One whole apricot contains 17 calories.

How many carbs are in a tablespoon of apricot jam?

One tablespoon of apricot jam contains 13 grams of carbs and 49 calories. The carb content of dried apricots is much higher per serving (about 29 grams per 5 dried apricot halves), so choose fresh apricots over dried while following the Keto diet.

What do you mix with dried apricots to make cookies?

Chewy dried apricots are mixed with crunchy almonds and rich dark chocolate. This is a seriously good combo. Be sure to only dip half your cookie in melted chocolate. That way, you get a striking half-and-half cookie that looks as good as it tastes.

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