Raw Cashews Recipes

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can you eat cashews on the keto diet?

It’s perfectly OK to incorporate some cashews into your Ketogenic diet – but not too many. While most nuts are low in carbs and high in fat, they are quite easy to overeat. Try portioning out a single serving so you’ll be less likely to overindulge. Cashews can be Keto-friendly! Just keep an eye on your macros.

What nuts have the lowest carb count?

The nuts that are lowest in carbs are Brazil nuts, pecans, macadamia nuts, and walnuts. How many nuts you can include in your low carb diet and lose weight will depend on your metabolism as well as the other food choices you make throughout your day.

Are cashews good on keto?

While cashews may be a little higher in carbs, they’re also high in protein. If you’re following keto, the best way to enjoy cashews is by adding them into a meal or having them with other lower-carb options to balance it out. Plus, cashews offer a unique nutrient that is crucial for fat burning — copper.

Are cashews allowed on keto?

The nuts to the right – especially cashews — should be avoided on keto. You’ll very quickly reach the daily keto limit of 20-30 grams of net carbs. Less than three handfuls — about 60 cashews — is enough to reach this limit.

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