Pitta Kapha Recipes

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Frequently Asked Questions

What are the must avoid lists for a pitta kapha diet?

There are no absolute must-avoid lists for a Pitta Kapha diet, but definitely, there are foods that are more likely to suit Pitta Kapha over others. The other less suitable ones should be taken less frequently. Having a dual Prakriti, you need to listen to your body. The dosha which is aggravated or depleted will need your attention.

How to pacify pitta and kapha?

A few sips in between, however, may be taken. Since Pitta is hot by nature and Kapha is cold it is advisable to consume warm, cooked food that is cold by nature like watery vegetable zucchini, squash, melons, gourds, and grains like quinoa, barley, whole wheat, wild rice, and oats with bran. This will pacify the Pitta and Kapha.

What is the best diet for a pitta body type?

Ayurveda has plenty to offer when it comes to finding pitta-balancing foods and delicious, nutritious pitta body type recipes. To balance out the hot qualities of pitta, it’s important to incorporate cooling and soothing foods, spices, and herbs. Think things like cucumbers, melons, coconut, cilantro, and mint.

How to eat kapha dosha for weight loss?

Eat light and easy-to-digest meals. Reduce sugar in your Kapha dosha recipes. Honey is a better sweetener for Kapha. Combine sprouts and vegetables together in a bowl. Drizzle lemon juice and/or oil over the salad. Add salt to taste. Toss and serve.

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