Mocktail Recipes Australia

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Frequently Asked Questions

How do you make a low carb mocktail?

There are a few ways to make a low carb “mocktail” – a fake cocktail without the alcohol, but just as festive and delicious. Whip fresh or frozen berries in a blender with ice and a dash of lime.

Can you make sugar free virgin mocktails with alcohol?

With these recipes, you can make several fun sugar-free virgin mocktails. But you can jazz them up further to make low carb cocktails with alcohol, too. If you do intend to go for alcoholic drinks, here’s a handy list of low carb alcohol to use. The ginger root swizzle stick adds a kick to your drink– fat burning kick that is!

What are the healthiest mocktails?

These healthy cucumber mocktails have the perfect balance of cucumber, dill and lemon. This drink recipe is low sugar, vegan and super simple to make. This virgin mary drink comes to life with tangy tomato, fresh lime, savoury Worcestershire and spicy Tabasco.

What are some of the best low carb cocktails?

Hot buttered rum gets a low carb makeover with fresh mint and sage. The low carb Cynar Sour cocktail uses an Italian artichoke liqueur with a burnt-sugar, earthy, bittersweet flavor. Interesting… A Happy Dragon cocktail made with homemade ginger-infused vodka. Also featured: kumquat garnished Gingertinis and ginger vodka tonics. Herb Infused Vodka?

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