Matcha Green Tea Recipes

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Is matcha green tea latte keto?

This keto matcha green tea latte is a great alternative to ice coffee. It’s a refreshing low-carb drink that’s low in calories and has less than 1 gram carb! What is a green tea latte? Why use matcha? I used to be a heavy coffee drinker, but recently cut back to only one cup per day.

How many carbs in a grande 16oz of matcha tea?

That drink is made with milk and a matcha tea blend that’s high in sugar. If you look at the nutrition info for the Grande 16oz with 2% milk, it packs in 34 grams of carbs with only 1 gram of fiber. That’s way to many carbs to be drinking!

Is matcha green tea ice cream good for you?

Matcha tea has a lot of benefits, more than regular green tea. The reason is because the tea it’s made from the whole leaf. Therefore, there are more antioxidants. I hope to work on a low carb green tea ice cream made with matcha this summer. Last year, I did make an attempt, but it froze really hard and it wasn’t as creamy as I would have liked.

What is matcha and how is it used?

(The word literally means “powdered tea”.) Instead of steeping tea in green tea leaves like you would with regular green teas, matcha is the leaves ground into a powder and you actually drink the leaves. Matcha is commonly used in tea drinks, but also works to flavor various sweet recipes.

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