Low Carb Milk Tea With Chia Seeds And Coffee Jelly Recipe

Listing Results Low Carb Milk Tea With Chia Seeds And Coffee Jelly Recipe

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What is the best low carb chia pudding recipe?

This low carb berry chia pudding with added protein is a healthy and delicious way to start your day! 1 scoop of Collagen Fuel or other flavored low carb protein powder. Add 1/2 cup of chia seeds to 2 cups of almond milk. Mix well and refrigerate for about 2-4 hours until seeds swell and mixture is very thick.

What is the best way to make a chia seed latte?

The rest of the recipe was the same: 1 cup of water, 4 tablespoons of chia seeds, 1 tablespoon of cream, 1 scoop of low carb protein powder and 1/4 cup almond milk. Prepare it the same way as the coffee one except substitute the tea for the coffee.

How to use chia seeds on keto?

How To Use Chia Seeds. While these nutritious little seeds are perfect for making keto breakfast pudding, they do so much more, too!! You can even use chia seeds as a substitute for fat when baking to reduce calories and add fiber. They have no taste so they can be added to food without changing the flavor.

How do you make chia pudding with collagen fuel?

When ready to make the pudding, add 1/4 cup of the prepared chia seeds + 1 scoop of the Collagen Fuel (or other protein powder) + 2 tablespoons of plain almond milk. Mix well and then top with 1 tablespoon of berry sauce.

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