Einkorn Wheat Flour Recipes

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Frequently Asked Questions

Is einkorn flour good for low carb recipes?

If you’re cooking low carb recipes, as long as you can limit your other carbs, there’s no reason why you should not use Einkorn flour. Unless you need to eat a Ketogenic diet for medical purposes or you have Celiac Disease, this is the healthy wheat flour you’ve been waiting for!

Is einkorn a whole wheat?

Like two other ancient wheats, emmer ( farro) and spelt flour, einkorn is a covered wheat — however, these ancient grains have less gluten and more nutrition than traditional whole wheat. Ancient grains are thought by many to be inherently more nutritious than modern varieties.

Is einkorn flour paleo?

Einkorn cereal is believed to have been harvested at least 17,000 years ago. In light of this, if einkorn is good enough for latter Paleo man, it’s probably not going to give you a wheat belly. Does einkorn flour taste different?

Can you knead einkorn flour?

No Knead: Einkorn does not like to be fussed with or kneaded like wheat flour. For breads and rolls (i.e. cinnamon rolls, sandwich bread, and hamburger buns) that usually call for a long kneading process, your arms can take a break and let einkorn work its magic. Can I substitute einkorn flour for regular flour?

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