Deweys Moravian Cookies

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Frequently Asked Questions

Where can i buy moravian cookies in winston salem?

Dewey's Bakery has been crafting Moravian Cookie Thins, Sugar Cake and other treats in Winston-Salem, NC since 1930. We ship sweet baked goods nationwide. Find our cookies in grocery stores, or visit our local bakery in Winston-Salem. Nothing encompasses a taste of Winston-Salem quite like a Moravian Cookie.

What is deweys bakery?

At Dewey’s Bakery, we follow our centuries-old recipe, combining full flavor vanilla, finely milled wheat flour and whole eggs to create the world’s thinnest and most flavorful cookies. All of our Moravian cookies are baked in small batches to ensure the perfect size, shape, and taste you expect from your favorite cookies.

Whats in a deweys moravian brownie?

We mix melted semi-sweet chocolate and premium cocoa powder for sweet, chocolaty goodness that's just like the crispy edges of the brownie. Dewey’s Moravian baked goods have been a treasured holiday tradition since the bakery opened in downtown Winston-Salem in 1930.

Who are the moravians?

The Moravians are a Christian sect that settled in North Carolina, in a town they named Salem, in 1753 (via Our State).The sect's cookies are a tradition that's hard to pass down from one generation to the next. These cookies capture the flavor of the rich, indulgent brownies we bake each morning at our hometown bakery in Winston-Salem, NC.

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