Crock Pot Pierogies & Sausage Recipe

Listing Results Crock Pot Pierogies & Sausage Recipe

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How do you make frozen pierogies in a crock pot?

Spread out your frozen pierogies in the bottom of a lightly greased casserole crock pot or 6 quart crock pot. Place your sliced sausage (or kielbasa) evenly on top of your pierogies. Put your cream cheese and sour cream in a mixing bowl and combine until smooth with an electric mixer.

What can i make with store bought pierogies?

YUM! Top them off with a dollop of sour cream, fried onions, and bacon and you have a dinner that pretty much wraps its arms around you like a flannel blanket and tucks you in, snug as a bug. Sometimes you just don’t have time to make them from scratch so store-bought pierogies are the next best option to make this dish.

How do you know if pierogies are cooked?

Be careful not to overcook the pierogies. Start checking them at the two hour mark. They should be well-formed and not mushy. Cut one if half and test the temperature. If they are hot all the way through, they are ready to serve.

Can you use cooked bacon instead of sausage in crockpot?

Every crockpot works differently in terms of time to get to full heat so that's the reason to watch them so they don't get mushy. You can replace the sausage with cooked bacon if you prefer. The bacon may get a little soft so I would reserve half of the cooked bacon to sprinkle on top of each serving.

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