Caputo Semola Pasta Recipe

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How do you use semolina flour to make pasta?

This is a recipe for traditional Italian pasta dough made with durum wheat semolina flour. You can use the dough to make any pasta you desire, such as farfalle, tagliatelle, or ravioli, using either a pasta machine or rolling out the dough by hand. Mix flour and salt in a large bowl or on a marble work surface.

How do you make semolina bread dough?

Pour water into the well, and using a fork, slowly begin to stir in the water, making sure to incorporate the flour from the sides into the middle slowly. When the dough becomes too thick for the fork, use your hand to fold the rest of the semolina into the center.

What is semola pasta?

The Italian Semola is very fine or “rimacinata” or “twice milled” . The Italian Semola will say right on the label…”Semola rimacinata di grano duro”…and this is what you will need to prepare the easiest of all pastas. Eggless pasta was used mainly in the poorer parts of Italy when eggs were scarce.

Can you buy semolina dough at the store?

Semolina dough can be easily molded into a ton of different hand-formed shapes that only require a few tools you already have in your kitchen, like a fork or a butter knife. Semolina flour can be sometimes tricky to source at most regular grocery stores, but it's super easy to find online.

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