Whole Grain Einkorn Recipes

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can you substitute einkorn for whole wheat flour?

As Jovial states, “Einkorn may be substituted cup for cup with regular whole wheat flour in some muffin, pancake, cake, and cookie recipes. However, sometimes, the amount of liquid in the recipe needs to be reduced by roughly 15-20%.”

How do you make einkorn dough?

Directions Combine 8 cups of flour with water, honey, oil, and yeast. One cup of einkorn grinds to two cups of flour. Add salt and remaining 6 cups of flour (again, 3 cups of berries into the mill) while mixing. Stop mixing and lightly dust the top of the dough with a little more flour. Let rest 20 minutes. Knead to punch down.

What are the benefits of all purpose einkorn flour?

This means that even when you make pastries and sweets using all-purpose einkorn flour, you're getting more micronutrients than if you had used regular flour. It's all the more nutrient-dense if you then use whole grain einkorn flour, too. What are the benefits?

Can you use einkorn in muffins?

Einkorn may be used cup for cup in recipes calling for whole wheat flour when making muffins, pancakes, cookies, and cakes. When making these recipes, you may need to reduce the liquid amount (such as the milk) by 15%. Einkorn absorbs liquid slowly. Allow einkorn batter to rest for 10 minutes before adding to a muffin, bread, or cake pan.

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