Lord Stows Egg Tart Recipe

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Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of custard is in lord stows egg tarts?

Lord Stow’s egg tart recipe is a guarded secret, but I can tell you that they use an English style custard. The custard isn’t as sweet as the custard in Portuguese egg tarts. The tarts have no additives or cornflour, and Audrey is very proud that they are all still hand made.

What is andrews egg tart?

Lord Stow’s Bakery suddenly became famous for one item – Andrew’s Egg Tart. Journalists started writing about Andrew and his little bakery found itself on Macau’s list of tourist attractions.

Whats the best egg tart youve ever had?

As mentioned in my previous blog post, Lord Stow's Egg Tarts are the best ones I've tasted so far! The tart is tenderly creamy that creates a melt in your mouth sensation, and pastry nestling the filling is appropriately crisp.

What is macau style egg tart?

Macau style of egg tart was evolved from the Portuguese cuisine pastel de nata (or called pastel de Belém). In 1989, Andrew Stow, a Britisher, brought the recipe of pastel de nata to Macau and started Lord Stow's Bakery. Stow refined the original recipe and invent Macau style egg tart (Also called Portuguese tart by the natives).

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