Lime Ponzu Sauce Recipe

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How to make homemade ponzu sauce?

Homemade Ponzu Sauce. 1 INGREDIENTS. Nutrition. 1 ⁄ 2. cup fresh lime juice (or a combination) or 1/2 cup lemon juice (or a combination) 2. tablespoons rice vinegar. 1 ⁄ 3. 2 DIRECTIONS. 3 MY PRIVATE NOTES.

Can you freeze ponzu juice?

Add yuzu juice. Freeze ponzu to use later. One easy method is to freeze any you won't use immediately in an ice cube tray. Once frozen, pop out the cubes and keep them in a plastic freezer bag in the freezer. Then when you want ponzu to use in a recipe, simply thaw the amount you wish to use.

Can you use ponzu sauce for chicken yakitori?

Ponzu can be used in many different ways. It's often used as a condiment or dipping sauce. It can be used as a marinade and may serve both of those purposes for chicken yakitori. Just keep in mind that you should discard the marinade used for the raw chicken and only serve untouched ponzu as the dipping sauce.

What is ponzu and what does it taste like?

The ingredients of ponzu are essentially Japanese, despite the name's Dutch origin. Rice vinegar, mirin, konbu, and katsuobushi are the typical ingredients. If you're unfamiliar with Japanese cooking terms, the final three components are rice wine, bonito flakes, and seaweed, all of which are common ingredients in Japanese cuisine.

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