Kolsch Recipe All Grain

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Frequently Asked Questions

What ingredients do you need to make a kölsch?

On the plus side, a Kölsch recipe is about as simple as you can imagine (see below for a starter recipe). You just need pale two-row or pilsner malt to hit a starting gravity of 1.045–1.050, a couple of additions of Noble German hops to get 18–24 IBUs, and a top fermenting Kölsch yeast.

Can you add wheat to a kölsch?

The current Beer Judge Certification Program style guidelines correctly indicate that this is rare in authentic Kölsch. A small portion of wheat malt is OK; the same as adding Vienna malt. Wheat can add a gentle bready note to the beer and can improve head retention. Overall, try to keep it simple.

What is the best way to serve a kölsch?

Kölsch is best served fresh and around cellar temperature. If you can serve your Kölsch in a tall, narrow, straight-sided glass, it will also make a difference in your perception of the beer. The all-grain version of this recipe uses a small amount of Vienna malt.

What are the best hops for a kölsch?

German noble hops are the hops or choice with a good Kölsch. Hallertau, Tettnang, Spalt. Some brewers like Willamette, Liberty, and Fuggles. Stay away from the American citrusy hops. Transcript: Enter Martin Keen – The Homebrew Challenge to brew 99 beers styles in 99 weeks.

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