Keto Recipes Using Greek Yogurt

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best yogurt in keto diet?

Do purchase:

  • Naturally or traditionally fermented yogurt (if you go this route, the carb content will be much lower compared to mass-produced factory yogurt)
  • Unsweetened, sugar-free yogurt (or yogurt exclusively sweetened with keto-friendly sweeteners like stevia or monk fruit)
  • The yogurt with the highest fat content relative to other brands

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Can i take milk and greek yogurt in keto diet?

The short answer to this question is no, Greek yogurt does not get well with a ketogenic diet. In fact, dairy, in general, generates a deal of controversy in the ketosphere. This might be confusing, especially since the typical internet search for Keto recipes leads to an onslaught of tempting meals featuring various kinds of dairy.

How to make keto yogurt?


  • Shake the can of coconut cream before opening it.
  • Pour the entire can into a large glass mason jar.
  • Break two probiotic capsules and pour the powder into the jar.
  • Using a wooden spoon, mix in the probiotic powder until well combined.
  • Add 10 drops of vanilla stevia. ...
  • Cover lightly with a cheesecloth and a rubber band.

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Is the keto diet right for you?

Keto is one of those diets that may be recommended to women in midlife. With our traditional way of eating, our bodies use glucose from digested carbohydrates to fuel itself through the day. The premise of a keto diet is to deprive the body of carbs, and therefore glucose, forcing it to turn to a different fuel instead. That fuel: stores of fat.

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