Carrot Chutney Recipe Uk

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Frequently Asked Questions

What are the ingredients in carrot chutney?

Even though this carrot chutney is a simple recipe, it involves the use of many fresh ingredients. This chutney recipe calls for fresh carrots, ginger, oranges, onions, lemons, in combination with some herbs and spices for extra flavour. Carrots give the chutney a beautiful vibrant colour which makes the chutney all the more appetising.

Do you need a microplane grater for carrot chutney?

Carrots give the chutney a beautiful vibrant colour which makes the chutney all the more appetising. However, the secret to making this carrot chutney recipe a doddle is to have the best equipment – a Microplane grater. forever!

What is the best way to cook carrot and apple curry?

When ready to cook blitz together chilies, garlic, ginger, lime zest and juice and the coconut oil to a paste with a food processor or pound together with a pestle and mortar. Turn the carrot mix, the apples and spicy paste into a roomy pan and bring to a simmering point.

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