Cappuccino Cookie Crumble

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Frequently Asked Questions

Are crumbl cookies keto friendly?

The regular-size Crumble Cookies range from 50 to 165 carbs per cookie, which is more carbs than a keto dieter should eat in one day. If you really love Crumbl Cookies and want to include them occasionally in your keto diet, keep reading for tips to enjoy these unique and flavorful cookies without gaining weight or going out of ketosis.

How many carbs are in a mini crumbl cookie?

You can't just walk into Crumbl and order a mini Milk Chocolate Chip cookie - unfortunately!! Calories for Mini Crumbl cookies range from about 150 to 210 calories per cookie, and can range from 15 to 37 grams of carbs. If you do have a Mini Crumbl cookie and are looking to lower the carbs for a keto diet, try cutting the cookie into 4 pieces.

Are starbucks frappuccinos low carb?

While I like to stick to the classic coffee frappuccino, you can easily change up the flavors to some of Starbuck’s most popular flavors. Each of these would still be low carb and have less than 2 grams net carbs per beverage !

How do you make a low carb crumble?

So here is my 'low carb' version of that family favourite and I am pretty happy with it!! Boil apples until soft in a small amount of water. Place in a baking dish. Place softened butter, almond meal, Natvia, and nuts in bowl and mix together (real crumble requires mixing by hand), until well combined but still crumbly.

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