1 Gallon Fruit Tea Recipe

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Frequently Asked Questions

What are the ingredients in a sugar free iced tea?

Sugar-Free Iced Tea Ingredients. 1 8-12 Black Tea Bags. 2 8 cups of Water, cool or room temperature. 3 Erythritol to taste. 4 1 Lemon, sliced. 5 1 Lime, sliced. 6 2 cups of Ice Cubes.

How do you make sweet tea on keto?

This easy keto tea uses an erythritol/stevia-based sweetener to make sweet tea. Place 8 cups of water in a large saucepan over high heat. Bring to a boil. Remove the saucepan from heat and add the tea bags. Cover and allow the tea to steep for 5 to 6 minutes. (Steep longer for stronger tea.)

What is the best fruit juice to mix with tea?

Iced tea is hands-down the most refreshing drink on the planet, and when mixed with sweet fruit juice, it’s lovely. I use orange and pineapple juice because together they taste tropical and familiar, but make no mistake, peach nectar is delicious with tea too.

Is fruit tea keto or low carb?

With 0.00125g of carbs and a Glycemic Load of 0 in a portion of 125g, Fruit tea can be consumed for a ketogenic or low-carb diet. Fruit tea contains no Fructose, is Gluten free and has no Lactose. 1.3mg of sodium - 0.0% of the RDA for sodium. 12.5mg of Magnesium, that covers 0.0% of the recommended daily allowance (RDA) for Magnesium.

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