Monkfish Recipes Simple

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is monkfish and how to cook it?

Monkfish is a sturdy fish with a super meaty texture so ideal for this sort of cooking. Slice it up into nice little thin pieces. Simples. Lash a bit of oil, pepper and salt onto the fish. Time to do a bit of cooking. The real beauty here is that it is all cooked in one pot so fuck all washing up!

What are the ingredients in a monkfish fillet?

Ingredients 1 salt and pepper to taste 2 Cajun seasoning to taste 3 ½ cup all-purpose flour 4 1 ½ pounds monkfish fillets, roughly chopped 5 2 tablespoons olive oil 6 ¼ cup butter 7 3 cloves garlic, minced 8 1 large tomato, diced 9 1 (8 ounce) package sliced fresh mushrooms 10 ¼ cup dry white wine 11 1 tablespoon chopped fresh parsley More ...

What is the best topping for monkfish?

Since monkfish is a really firm fish, it can stand up to a crispy topping like this recipe. The breadcrumbs are flavored with lemon juice, rosemary, and garlic. The tart lemons and herbaceous rosemary are a superb combination. I really love these flavors with the sweet flesh of monkfish.

Is monkfish the same as lobster meat?

Monkfish is often compared to lobster meat – it has the same kind of meaty, white flesh. This quick spicy... Not your ordinary fish stew – this French-style dish is made with aïoli giving it a rich, creamy and garlicky...

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