Kolsch All Grain Recipe

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can you add wheat to a kölsch?

The current Beer Judge Certification Program style guidelines correctly indicate that this is rare in authentic Kölsch. A small portion of wheat malt is OK; the same as adding Vienna malt. Wheat can add a gentle bready note to the beer and can improve head retention. Overall, try to keep it simple.

What are the best hops for a kölsch?

German noble hops are the hops or choice with a good Kölsch. Hallertau, Tettnang, Spalt. Some brewers like Willamette, Liberty, and Fuggles. Stay away from the American citrusy hops. Transcript: Enter Martin Keen – The Homebrew Challenge to brew 99 beers styles in 99 weeks.

What is the best way to serve a kölsch?

Kölsch is best served fresh and around cellar temperature. If you can serve your Kölsch in a tall, narrow, straight-sided glass, it will also make a difference in your perception of the beer. The all-grain version of this recipe uses a small amount of Vienna malt.

What kind of yeast is used in kolsch beer?

Brewing beer Kolsch style requires a special kind of top-fermenting yeast called the White Labs WLP029 German ale Kölsch yeast. It’s a German ale yeast developed and perfected over the years. But that’s not all… This particular ale yeast, combined with the lagering process, will bring out that ale and lager blend that’s unique about Kolsch.

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