Heart Foundation Recipe Book

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Frequently Asked Questions

Is a low carb diet healthy?

Low-carb diets, so often rich in saturated fat, have long been viewed as unhealthy for your heart. But a study published online Sept. 28, 2021, by The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that a bit more saturated fat might be okay, if the dietary mix is otherwise healthy.

What are the different types of low carbohydrate diets?

There are many versions of low-carbohydrate diets, and they’re often adopted for reasons of weight loss. The most extreme, including the Atkins and Dukan diets, limit starchy carbohydrates like bread, rice, potatoes, pasta and even fruit, pulses and beans.

What is the heart research institutes ebook?

This exclusive eBook, written by The Heart Research Institute’s resident nutritionist, Kate Freeman, provides simple diet and lifestyle tips that are family-friendly and healthy. Each section is presented in an easy-to-understand format. Follow this guide and you can reverse bad habits, protect your heart and boost your long-term health.

Are cauliflower chips low in carbs?

These crisp cauliflower chips are low in carbs and can be made in either the oven or your air fryer. Plus, they require just cauliflower, Parmesan cheese and seasonings to make! Swap out the Italian seasoning for ranch seasoning or your favorite spice blend for a different flavor profile.

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