Einkorn French Bread Recipe

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Is einkorn flour good for bread?

Einkorn looks and tastes similar to white flour, so it’s the perfect healthy flour to use when making soft, fluffy bread. Einkorn is sold in some health food stores and online. Today’s recipe uses just four simple ingredients to make a soft and sweet homemade bread that’s delicious to serve with butter and soup, or turn into French toast.

What is the dough formula for einkorn bread?

My dough formula was as follows: 850g Einkorn flour, 659 of h20 but held back 100 grams, 75 grams of levain and 17 grams of salt. I ended up using about 30-40 g of the water held back. The bread turned out wonderfully! It is very sticky to work with and my dough was a little on the stiff side. I baked it in a combo cooker.

How do you roll out einkorn?

Einkorn is a bit sticky to roll out. If your dough is too sticky to handle, add just a couple of tablespoons of flour to the dough (until you reach a workable consistency), but remember not to overwork the dough while adding the flour. Place the loaf in a standard-size bread pan that's been greased or lined with parchment paper.

What is the difference between all purpose and whole wheat einkorn flour?

Our einkorn flours come in two varieties: all-purpose and whole-wheat. Both flavors are freshly milled from the finest einkorn grains available. The difference is in our all-purpose flour, some of the germ is removed. If you are using freshly milled flour straight from the grain mill, you have whole wheat einkorn flour.

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